Computer Fundamental for every device and specification for different parameter.
Basic function of Computer, Organization of computer, Hardware, Software and firmware, Identify different hardware, Motherboard, Power supply, RAM, ROM, CPU, Keyboard and Mouse, Unit of different hardware, Performace measure of different hardware, Software Classification, Firmware.
Concept of digital ckt and digital device (register and counter)
Number System, Gate ckt, Combinational and sequencial CKT, Adder, Flip-flop, Register, Counter and clock ckt.
PC De-assembly and Assembly (non portable)
Desktop PC Assembling process, Deassembling process, Practical Work.
Different Architecture, interface and ports
Bus Architecture & Interfaces, Ports, BIOS, Processor, Motherboard, Controller and computer Chips.
Firmware and BIOS Program configuration.
CMOS Editor & configuration for different PC, Use Lagecy and UEFI configaration and interchanging, Boot order and Secure booting.
Create Bootable Midea and their uses
Downloading image file of windows and create images, Create bootable device and bootable pendrive for lagecy/UEFI support.
Installation of Operating System and Partitioning of the midea
Operating Systems and Installation (Windows 10/11, Ubuntu), Using dual booting process and Partitioning & Formatting Hard Disk, GPT and MBR Partioning and convertion the process.
Driver Applicaion setup for different Computer Mescilloneous function and setup the user application.
Download driver software and user application for brand PC and clone Pc, Different step installation process of the software, Crack and patching process.
Assembling and de-assembling of portable computer
Assembly and De-assembly of Laptop, Difference between portable and non-portable device, Upgradation, Download the Service Manual of different laptop and their ckt Diagram. Identify the FAC cable, RAM door, Midea Button Port, Bluetooth, Webcam, CCI Module,ODD section. Practical Work.
Power and peripheral device installation
Installing adapters,power suppy, Peripheral device (printer), projector. UPS. Identify the different connection of Power (Molex, Mini, SATA and ATA). Voltage Measure for every connection.Desktop Power Supply tester.
Motherboard scratch of different section and troubleshoot
Identify of VRM Section, Clock section,RAM Section, ROM Section, Controller chip and voltage measure for every section, Troubleshoot.
Preventive Hardware and Software and tunning of computer for speed
Uses of Microsoft security software and Malcious software removal tool, Install the antivirus soft for lower windows, Boot time and full scaning and some third party tunning software for speed recovery. Recovery partion and recovery files. Different Hardware setup and preventive maintenance.