Computer Fundamentals
Total Contact 2×26 = 52 Hours
(Theory: 60%, Practical: 40%)
Module Objective: This course provides an overview of introductory concepts related to computers, number systems, and the components of a computer system. It lays the foundation for subsequent advanced modules within the course.
Module Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
Effectively operate a computer system for day-to-day use.
Explore different types of computer hardware, including input/output devices and various types of memory.
Perform basic arithmetic operations using different number systems, including binary arithmetic.
Proficiently prepare documents, spreadsheets and power point presentation.
Module Outlines:
Theory Part:
Introduction to Computer; History & generation of Computers; Concept of Computer System Unit; Types of Software; Concepts of Operating Systems and OS function; Programming Languages; Computer Memory Organization: Memory technology and Operation; Types of Memory; Function of ROM, RAM and Cache Memory; Functional mechanism of HDD and CD-ROM; Different type of Monitors & Printer; Type of Software and Utility program; Computer Virus and its types; I/O devices; Network & fundamentals, Topologies and protocols.
Concept of Data and information; Number Systems; logic gates & functions; Binary Operation; logic gate design; flip-flop; Register; Binary Operation; logic gate design; flip-flop; Register; Basic Cyber security & attacks; overviews of virus; detective & preventive measures.
Practical part:
Practice to manage official documentation and executive function using MS-office 2010 and upper version, software such as MS-word, MS- Excel, MS-Power Point and Basic Internet, Browsing and Email.
52 Hrs
3 Credit
Operating System
Total Contact 2×26 = 52 Hours
(Theory: 50%, Practical: 50%)
Module Objective: This course introduces the students to different types of operating systems. Operating system modules such as process management, memory management and file management are covered in detail.
Module Outcome: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
Efficiently utilize services offered by modern operating systems.
Implement CPU and disk scheduling algorithms.
Apply simple system and network monitoring techniques.
Configure and administers operating systems, including Windows and Linux.
Module Outlines
Theory Part: 1
Operating System (OS): OS Roles, Process, Model and Implementation, Inter-process Communication; CPU Scheduling, Memory Management, Virtual Memory, File System, Protection and Security, Paging, Segmentation, Remote procedure call, Storage management Logical versus Physical Assess Space, Swapping, Space Management, Real Time Scheduling & Multithreading.
Introduction to LINUX, UNIX, UNIX Kernel, Installation of Linux and Partitioning, UNIX Commands, Services, Device Structure, Memory Structure, Process and Jobs, File System and File Management, vi editor Shell Programming.
Practical part: 2
1. Windows Server Installation & Administration, Various Server Configuration, Active Directory Domain Services, Network Resource Management using Active Directory Domain Services, Active Directory Design and Security Concepts, Account Management, Configuring Group Policy, Configuring and Marinating the Active directory Infrastructure, Additional Active server Role, Server Management and Monitoring.
2. To Setup and configure Linux server, To Configure & manage major services such as web, mail, proxy, DNS and DHCP, FTP to Secure the server and applications, To Backup important data, to troubleshoot services and network related problems. Configuring Devices in Linux, Linux System Administration.
52 Hrs
3 Credit
Computer Programing
Total Contact 2×30 = 60 Hours
(Theory: 50%, Practical: 50%)
Module Objective: C Programming Language can be considered as the Foundation in Programming Language. It provides students a strong foundation in programming concepts and logic development.
Students can develop problem-solving skills through algorithmic thinking.
Understanding low-level system operations and memory management.
Serve as a stepping stone for learning more advanced languages.
Contribute to the growth of the software development industry.
Prepare individuals for roles in embedded systems and IoT development.
Module Outcome: Learners will grasp fundamental programming principles, laying the groundwork for understanding more advanced languages and concepts. Learning C Programming in the context of Bangladesh aims to provide a solid programming foundation, enhance problem-solving skills, and open up opportunities in various sectors, contributing to both individual growth and the development of the country’s technology landscape.
Module Outlines
Language overview: Facts about C, what is C program? Why to use C? C environment Setup: Text Editor, The C compiler, Installation on Windows/Mac/Linux C Basic Syntax: Tokens in C, Semicolons, Comments, Identifier, Keywords, White space in C, C Program Structure (Example)
Data Types: Integer, Floating type, Variables: Declaration, Initialization, Memory Size, Categories, Lvalues, Rvalues, I/O functions, Header File, Constant and Literals: Integer, Operator, relational, Logical, Miscellaneous Operators.
Decision Making: if, if …. Else, Nested if …Else, Switch, Loops: While loop, for loop, do…while, Nested Loops, Break, continue
Array: Declaration arrays, Index of array, Initialization, accessing array elements, two dimensional arrays, initializing two dimensional arrays, accessing two-dimensional array, passing arrays as function arguments.
Strings: Copying Strings, Concatenation strings, comparing strings, searching strings.
Pointer: What are pointers? How to use pointers, Null pointers, Pointer Arithmetic, incrementing a Pointer, Decrementing a Pointer, Pointer comparison
Abstract data structures include: arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs.
Function: Defining a function (with example), Function Declaration, Calling a function, Function Arguments, Function call by value, Function call by reference.
Section-8: Final project
60 Hrs
3 Credit
Database Management Systems
Total Contact 2×26 = 52 Hours
(Theory: 60%, Practical: 40%)
Module Objective: To facilitate the creation of data structures and relieve the programmer of the problems of setting up complicated files.
Module Outcomes:
(i) Understand the basic concepts and the applications of database systems.
(ii) Master the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL
(ii) Understand the relational database design principles.
(iv) Gather knowledge on Database backup and recovery systems etc.
Module Outlines
Concepts of Database: (3×2) = 6 Hrs
File System & Database File System, Concepts of Database, Database Architecture, Advantage of DBMS, Components of Database, Type of Database, Advantage and Disadvantage of each Type.
The Entity Relationship Model: (8×2) = 16 Hrs
Basic Concepts, Mapping Constraints, Keys, E-R Diagram, Entity Sets, Extended E-R Features, Design of E-R Database Scheme, Reduction of E-R Scheme to Tables.
Exercise: E-R Model of Corporate Organizations/Banking Institution
Structural Query Language (SQL): (5×2) = 10 Hrs
DDL, DML, DCL; Indexing, Query Development: Basic SELECT, UNION, Relational Algebra and Calculus, Joining operations, Functions, Sub-Queries and Joins, Aggregate operations, NULL values and nested queries, Procedural Language, Data Integrity etc.
Home Exercise: E-R model using table’s data operation from MYSQL databases.
Relational Database Design: (7×2) = 14 Hrs
Relational Database Design, Functional Dependencies, Database Normalization, Types of Normalization, Schema Refinement in Database Design, Normalization using Join Dependencies, Normalization using Multi value Dependencies, Domain Key Normal Form, De-normalization.
Database Backup and Maintenance: (3×2) = 6 Hrs
Data Import/Import from External Sources, Backup Planning, Transaction Concurrency Control & Recovery Management.
Assignment: Database Design, Develop & Implementation Database using SQL Server/MS Access/Oracle, Develop Query, Form, & Report using Query/Form/Report Builders.
Book Recommended:
Database System Concepts: Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth & S. Sudarchan
Database System : Peter Rob & Carlos Coronel
52 Hrs
3 Credit
Communicative English
Total Contact 2×20 = 40 Hours
Module Objective: This course is designed to:
? Introduce the participants with four basic skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing of English and to involve them in practicing the skills;
? Develop the learners’ English communicative competence in an effective manner and strengthen their confidence in using the language;
? Prepare the students to produce situationally and culturally appropriate language in speaking and writing for effective communication in a variety of interpersonal, academic and professional situations.
Module Outcome: After successful completion of this course the participants will be able to:
? Achieve competence in the four skills of English—listening, speaking, reading and writing;
? Develop the ability to respond, discuss, describe, and analyze any reading or listening contents, and to use different reading strategies to comprehend texts;
? Communicate in different social and semi social contexts and to grow ability to describe, narrate, and analyze things; and essays, formal letters, reports and meeting minutes, write different types of paragraphs
Module Outlines
Speaking Skill, Introduction, Ice Breaking; Extempore Speech, Pronunciation Development; Basic Sounds and Common Mistakes; Reading Skill; A Short Orientation to Reading; Skimming, Scanning and other techniques; Reading Skill; reading a short story and discuss, selecting a motion for the next day; Speaking Skill; Debate; Speaking Skill; Presentation Skill Development;
Writing Skill; Comprehensive Peer Group Writing. Writing skill, Ways to apply against a job offer properly, Composing Cover Letter and Curriculum Vitae; Speaking Skill Submission of CV, how to face VIVA; Speaking Skill; Viva Voce; Listening Skill; Appreciative Listening Speaking Skill, Dialogue and Role Play; Listening Skill Transactional Listening; Listening Skill
Interactional Listening; Writing Skill; E-mail Etiquettes; Listening Skill; Discriminating Listening (Intonation); Miscellaneous, Feedback Session
40 Hrs
2 Credit
Web Site Design & Web Application Development
Total Contact 2×30 = 60 Hours
(Theory: 40%, Practical: 60%)
Module Objective: The course aims to equip students with a solid foundation in web development, covering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for effective site design. Participants will learn to create responsive and interactive web pages, explore front-end frameworks, and gain insights into back-end development, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of web design and application development.
Module Outcome: Upon completion, students will proficiently design and develop websites, employing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for responsive and interactive interfaces. They will be well-versed in both front-end and back-end frameworks, ensuring the capability to build dynamic web applications. The course cultivates a skill set encompassing design principles, security practices, and the deployment of web projects.
Module Outlines
HTML/HTML5: 16 Hrs
Used Editor, HTML elements, attributes, comments, heading paragraph, lists, head, Images, Table, form details, layout, Iframe, text field, dropdown list, color, color names, Color values, link, formatting, Div etc. HTML5 introduction, elements, canvas, Video, Audio, Input types, form attributes etc.
Practical: Web site Design using Editors.
CSS/CSS3: 16 Hrs
CSS Syntax, selector, unit, tables, Box model, border, outline, margin, padding, dimension, display, positing, floating, align, pseudo-elements & class, Image gallery, opacity, CSS ID & class, styling Background, Texts, fonts, links, Lists, Object positioning, CSS3 borders, text effects, 2D & 3D transformations, animations.
Practical: Web site Design using Editors.
JavaScript/jQuery: 18 Hrs
Statement of JavaScript, comments, variables, data types, objects & events, functions, operators, comparison, conditional statement, error handling, input validation, array, strings, date & time, DOM (Documents object model), Object-based features, Different built-in objects etc.
How jQuery Works, the jQuery ready Function, what are jQuery Selectors? Selectors Overview, Basics & Hierarchy, Basic, Content, Visibility, Attribute & Child Filters, Forms & Form Filters, jQuery DOM Traversal & Manipulation, jQuery Event Model, Handling Events with jQuery, Ajax introduction, jQuery Ajax Functions etc.
Practical: Web site Design using Editors.
Drawing: 8 Hrs
Basic Image properties and how to set/change them in adobe Photoshop/Paint editors, Concept of layers, Color concepts, text, texture, brightness, contrast, filters and effects etc.
Web Hosting: 2 Hrs
Definition of Web Hosting, how will choice a Good Domain, how will choice a good web hosting company, Different types of Web Hosting, File upload/download from Web Hosting Server using FTP method.
Book Recommended:
The web Programmers Desk References:
L I Cohen, J I Cohen
JavaScript Programmer's Reference: Cliff Wootton
Web References :
60 Hrs
3 Credit
System Analysis & Design
Total Contact 2×26 = 52 Hours
(Theory: 80%, Case study: 20%)
Module Objective:
To determine specific needs of system.
Discuss approaches and tasks of system.
Evaluate tools and techniques.
Use appropriate methods and techniques to design software
Module Outcomes
The output of system analysis is a system specification document which becomes a major input into other software development process activities such as system design, programming, and testing.
Module Outlines:
System Concept: Definition, Characteristics, Elements of System, Physical and abstract System, Open and closed system, man-made information systems.
System Development life cycle: Various phases of system development, Consideration for system planning and control for system success.
Different Types of Information; Attributes of Information; Roles, Tasks and Attributes of a system Analyst; Sources of Information; Information Gathering Techniques; Handling of Missing Information; Steps of System Analysis; Cost-Benefit Analysis; Design of an information System; Network Models for Project Time Estimation; Different Models and methods using in software development. Estimation of Confidence Levels; Simplex Method for Minimization of Project Time; Project Effort Analysis Methods; Designing of Inputs and Outputs; Project Team Organization; Database and Files Design; Project Management, cycle of project management and Documentation; Analysis of System Maintenance and Upgrading; Ethics and Privacy; Control and Security.
Feasibility study: Determination of feasibility study, Technical, Operational & Economic Feasibilities, System performance constraints, and identification of system objectives, feasibility report.
Tools of Structured Analysis: Logical and physical models, Context Diagram, Data Dictionary, Context diagram, Data Flow Diagram, form driven methodology, IPO and HIPO charts, Gantt Charts, System Model, Pseudo Codes, Flow charts System, Decision Tree, Decision Tables, Data Validation etc.
Book Recommended:
System Analysis and Design : Kendel & Kendel
System Analysis and Design : Robert J. Thierauf
52 Hrs
3 Credit
Maintenance & Troubleshooting of Computer Hardware and Network
Total Contact 2×27 = 54 Hours
(Theory: 30%, Practical: 70%)
Module Objective: This course aims to impart technical proficiency in system maintenance and troubleshooting, covering tasks such as software updates, hardware diagnostics, and routine problem resolution. Participants will gain skills to identify and address common hardware and software issues, implementing optimization strategies for improved system performance and a seamless computing experience in diverse environments.
Module Outcomes: Upon completion, participants will possess advanced skills in system maintenance and troubleshooting, proficiently handling software updates, hardware diagnostics, and problem resolution. Graduates will be adept at identifying and resolving common issues, implementing optimization strategies for enhanced system performance, and ensuring smooth computing experiences across diverse environments.
Module Outlines
Introduction to System: (2×15) = 30 Hrs
Basic Component to System Unit, Component of Motherboard, Processor, Bus Architecture & Interfaces, Installing adapters (Cards) & Peripheral Devices (Printer, Scanner, Webcam etc.), Details Power System and safety, Expansion bus and its types, Memory unit and types, CRT and LCD Monitor, Types of Printer, BIOS and CMOS, Laptop De-assembly and Assembly, PC De-assembly and Assembly, CPU characteristics, COM Port, SATA, IDE, Cable connection, POST and Booting process, troubleshooting booting process
Case study: Hardware Problem & solving technique with explain.
Network Maintenance and Troubleshooting: (2×5) = 10Hrs
Fundamentals of Networking, Networking Media & Hardware, Storage System & Backup Media, Preparing and Using LAN, Internet Basic, Connecting using MODEM, Video Conferencing, Serial and Parallel Communication, network troubleshooting and Maintenance.
Software Troubleshooting: (2×7) = 14 Hrs
Understanding Operating Systems and Installation (Windows), Partitioning & Formatting Hard Disk, Dual Booting and multibooting Operating System, Installation and uninstalling software, Device driver software Installation, System Utilities, Virus Protection & Security Issues, Common software problem and its solution, Data Backup and Recovery plan.
54 Hrs
3 Credit
Advanced Web Technology with Programming
Total Contact 2×30 = 60 Hours
(Theory: 40%, Practical: 60%)
Module Objective:
To performing a hands-on practical knowledge in the field of programming;
To enriching skills on depth programming knowledge;
To strong focus on PHP, MSQL etc.
To knowledge gain on width ranging of theoretical as well as practical field;
To creating a job opportunity as web developer;
Module Outcome:
Design, develop and implement web-based software;
Skills on various programming as well as database knowledge;
Module Outlines
PHP/ MYSQL - (30 Hrs)
Basic Concept of Server Site Programming Language, Software Installation and Run, Advantage of using PHP for web development, How Run PHP Code from Server, Syntax, Variables, Data Types, String operations, Operators, Constants, Looping/Conditional Statement, Array, Function, Super Global Variables, $_GET & $_POST Method, Date and Time, Include & Required File, File Upload, Cookies, Session, Error Handling, Mail Function, PHP Built-in-Function.
What is database? Table, Field, View, Basic SQL (Database Connects, Database Create, Table Create, Insert, Delete, Update, and Search), ER Diagram, Develop and Design form with Assignment/Project Works
Used Tools: Notepad++
.Net Framework (C# & MY SQL Server) - 30Hrs
.NET Executables and the CLR; A .NET Tested for C# Programming; Visual Studio;
First C# Console Application; Namespaces; Data Types; Conversions; Control Structures; Subroutines and Functions; Parameter Passing; Strings; Arrays; Console I/O; Formatting; Exception Handling
Classes; Access Control; Methods and Properties; Asymmetric Accessor Accessibility; Static Data and Methods; Inheritance; Overriding Methods; Abstract Classes; Sealed Classes; Access Control and Assemblies.
Components; Interfaces; System. Object; .NET and COM; Collections;
Copy Semantics in C#; Generic Types; Type-Safe Collections; Attributes
Anonymous Methods; Random Number Generation; Events
Creating Windows Applications Using windows Form Application; Partial Classes; Buttons, Labels and Textboxes; Handling Events; List box Controls and other visual tools.
Using MSSQL Server (Database Connects, Database Create, Table Create, Insert, Delete, Update, and Search etc.)
Used Tools: Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012/2013, MS SQL Server 2012
60 Hrs
3 Credit
Data Communication & Networks
Total Contact 2×29 = 58 Hours
(Theory: 80%, Practical: 20%)
Module Objective: To understand the basic concepts of data communication, layered model, protocols and inter- working between computer networks and switching components in telecommunication systems with data security to ensure the confidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity, Privacy & Availability.
Module Outcome: Participants will understand the fundamental communication concepts, communication networks, and communications hardware and software. They will gain valuable skills in computer networks (switching, routing), system and network administration, computer and network security.
Module Outlines
Fundamental and Data Communication: (2×10) = 20 Hrs
Introduction: uses of Computer Networks, A Communication model, Communication & Networks Goal, Protocols, Protocols Architecture & Standard, Standard Organization, Line configuration, Topology, Transmission mode, Synchronous and Asynchronous Transmission, Categories of networks, The OSI model, TCP/IP protocol suite, Comparison of the OSI model & TCP/IP.
Data Communication: Analog & Digital Signal, Analog & Digital Data Transmission, Data Encoding & Modulation, Transmission media Data transition interfaces, Data Link control, multiplexing error Detection & Correction.
Network and Its Technology: (2×8) = 16 Hrs
Local Area Networks: LAN Technology, LAN Systems, Network Addressing- Masking, Sub- netting, Internetworking Routing & Devices, IP Address: IPv4 and IPv6. Wide Area Networks: Circuit Switching, Packet Switching, WAN Protocols & Technology, Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), Carrier sense multiple accesses with collision detection (CSMA/CD), Local Talk, Token Ring, Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI).
Network Applications: (2×5) = 10 Hrs
Design network, cabling, Client-Server model, Dynamic Host control protocol, Domain Name System, Hypertext Transfer protocol. File Transfer protocol, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, Simple Network Management protocol, World Wide Web, Network Troubleshooting, Network Security, firewall and cryptography, Network security best practices, Elements of Network security, Component of Network Security.
Cyber Security: (2×8) =16 Hrs
Basics of Cyber Security, Risk, Vulnerabilities & Threat of a Computer System, Different Types of Cyber Attacks, Cryptography, Encryption, Firewall, IPS, IDS, Web Application Firewall, Server Security, Application Security, Internet Security, Email Security, Secure Social Networking, Mobile Security, Multi Factor Authentication, Security Awareness
58 Hrs
3 Credit
Project Works
Total Contact 60 Hrs
Module Objective:
To achieve something new about software development process;
To know the SDLC process;
To know essential to communicate ideas and information accurately and clearly.
To know the technical writing process based on the goal of the project;
Module Outcome:
Identify the appropriate project management strategy and tools;
Know the key phases of the SDLC;
Determine the actual scope of the project;
Increase capacity through project-based learning;
Know the professional manner for the project development;
Module Outlines
Technical English 2×9 = 18 Hours
Bi-directional technical communication demands specific to computer and information systems. Topics are technical research methods and approaches, critical analysis of technical documents, synthesis of data, information and knowledge gained through research and critical analysis, creation of accurate technical documents, and effective delivery of technical material via oral presentations supported by visual media.
Project Works 2×21 = 42 Hours
Project Analysis, Documentation, Preparation, Implementation & Presentation. Every student will select a real-life industry-based project with proper guide of local supervisor/Industry Supervisor and will complete the project within specified time schedule
60 Hrs
3 Credit