Formatting a Worksheet
Creating Headers, Footers, and Page Numbers, Adjusting Page Margins and Orientation, Adding Print Titles and Gridlines, rows to repeat at top of each page, Formatting Fonts & Values, Adjusting Row Height and Column Width, Changing Cell Alignment, Adding Borders, Applying Colors and Patterns
Using the Format Painter, Using AutoFormat, Merging Cells, Rotating Text, and using AutoFit, Using AutoFill.
Managing your workbooks
Switching Between Sheets in a Workbook, Inserting and Deleting Worksheets, Renaming and Moving Worksheets, protecting a Workbook, Hiding Columns, Rows and Sheets, Splitting and Freezing a Window, Inserting Page Breaks, Advanced Printing Options
Editing a Workbook
Entering Date Values and using AutoComplete, Editing, Clearing, and Replacing Cell Contents, Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Cells, Moving and Copying Cells with Drag and Drop, Collecting and Pasting Multiple Items, Using the Paste Special Command, Inserting and Deleting Cells, Rows, and Columns, Using Undo, Redo, and Repeat, Checking Your Spelling, Finding and Replacing Information, Inserting Cell Comments
Functions & Formulas
Creating a basic Formula, Calculating Value Totals with AutoSum, Editing & Copying Formulas, Fixing Errors in Your Formulas, Formulas with Several Operators and Cell Ranges
Working with the Forms Menu
Sorting, Subtotaling & Filtering Data, Copy & Paste Filtered Records, Using Data Validation
Creating & Working with Charts
Creating a Chart, Moving and Resizing a Chart, Formatting and Editing Objects in a Chart, changing a Chart's Source Data, changing a Chart Type and Working with Pie Charts, Adding Titles, Gridlines, and a Data Table, formatting a Data Series and Chart Axis, annotating a Chart, working with 3-D Charts, Selecting and Saving a Custom Chart, Using Fill Effects, Mapping Data, Modifying a Map.
Data Analysis & Pivot Tables
Creating a PivotTable, Specifying the Data a PivotTable Analyzes, changing a PivotTable's Calculation, Selecting What Appears in a PivotTable, Grouping Dates in a PivotTable, updating a PivotTable, Formatting and charting a PivotTable
Working with Other Programs
Inserting an Excel Worksheet into a Word Document, Modifying an Inserted Excel Worksheet Inserting a Linked Excel Chart in a Word Document, Inserting a Graphic into a Worksheet
Working with macros in Excel
Enable macros in excel, recording macro, Save excel workbook with macro, View/edit the code of macro, Run/execute a macro, executing macro using shape, executing macro using button, executing macro using ribbon, executing macro using VBA, Enabling the macro security settings
Function, Description
=AND, Returns TRUE or FALSE based on two or more conditions
=AVERAGE, Calculates the average (arithmetic mean)
=AVERAGEIF, Calculates the average of a range based on a TRUE or FALSE condition
=AVERAGEIFS, Calculates the average of a range based on one or more TRUE/FALSE conditions
=CONCAT, Links together the content of multiple cells
=COUNT, Counts cells with numbers in a range
=COUNTA, Counts all cells in a range that has values, both numbers and letters
=COUNTBLANK, Counts blank cells in a range
=COUNTIF, Counts cells as specified
=COUNTIFS, Counts cells in a range based on one or more TRUE or FALSE condition
=IF, Returns values based on a TRUE or FALSE condition
=IFS, Returns values based on one or more TRUE or FALSE conditions
=LEFT, Returns values from the left side of a cell
=LOWER, Reformats content to lowercase
=MAX, Returns the highest value in a range
=MEDIAN, Returns the middle value in the data
=MIN, Returns the lowest value in a range
=MODE, Finds the number seen most times. The function always returns a single number
=NPV, The NPV function is used to calculate the Net Present Value (NPV)
=OR, Returns TRUE or FALSE based on two or more conditions
=RAND, Generates a random number
=RIGHT, Returns values from the right side of a cell
=STDEV.P, Calculates the Standard Deviation (Std) for the entire population
=STDEV.S, Calculates the Standard Deviation (Std) for a sample
=SUM, Adds together numbers in a range
=SUMIF, Calculates the sum of values in a range based on a TRUE or FALSE condition
=SUMIFS, Calculates the sum of a range based on one or more TRUE or FALSE condition
=TRIM, Removes irregular spacing, leaving one space between each value
=VLOOKUP, Allows vertical searches for values in a table
=XOR, Returns TRUE or FALSE based on two or more conditions